

F O U R . F I V E . S I X M O N T H S

Asher is 4 months old today! he is a ray of sunshine in our lives. he loves to laugh and play peek a boo. he is sleeping through the night more and more and is quite the little piglet! he constantly is talking to us--I swear he has said "hi" and "I love you" ðŸ˜‚he loves his baby carrier and is constantly loved on. he responds to his name and is getting the hang of teething toys. we can't wait to see what this next month will bring us! we love you ash baby!

my baby boy is 5 months old today! we had a very exciting month full of travel and new discoveries! Asher flew to Hawaii and took his first dips in both the pool and Pacific Ocean. he would laugh every time a wave crashed, it was seriously the cutest! he loves his jumperoo and scoots himself around when he's on his tummy; I think we have an early crawler on our hands. he tried cereal for the first time and LOVES it! as always, he's our happy and giggly baby, and loves being tickled. oh, and he FOR SURE said the word "yeah" this month! I can't believe how quick time is flying! we love you Asher!

Asher is 6 months old today! I truly cannot believe how quickly that flew by. we have spent half a year with this sweet soul and we never knew how much we could love someone. he is weighing in at a whopping 19 pounds (that's a 2 pound weight gain in a month) and has popped his first tooth and working on the second. ash loves eating peas and green beans and is trying zucchini this week. he is such a sweetie and laughs all the time! he loves being surrounded by family and is celebrating big today at Disneyland! we love you baby bear!

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