we're pregnant!
we found out on march 22nd and hugged and cried in our bathroom and it was magical and wonderful. our little one is expected to arrive november 25, 2015 (the day before thanksgiving).
while we are thrilled, can i just be real with y'all? pregnancy sucks. at least the first trimester did. i was constantly nauseous, throwing up, no energy. this is not a good recipe if you wish to live a normal life (or have a clean house). aaron has been a rock star husband. he's taken on all the cooking and cleaning while i just lay around like a bum. he is seriously the best and i don't know what i would do without him.
but maybe i should delve in a little deeper. on wednesday, april 15th, we found out we were once expecting twins. yes, there were once two little live babies inside my womb. but that same day we found out that only one was viable; i had lost the other one. i have never experienced such intense emotions as i did that day. while i was overwhelmed with happiness that we were pregnant, i felt this immense sadness, like something i had never felt before. how could i love something so much as i did that little baby without ever meeting it? how could i feel such loss over someone i didn't know was there? i can't explain it, but i was heartbroken. i felt this cloud of emotions and the tears just poured down my face. i really don't think i've ever felt so divided and so many emotions at once. i have since healed from the loss, but will always wonder who that little baby was. i am however incredibly thankful for this baby who did survive.
this week was a fun one for a couple of reasons: 1. i hit the halfway point! 20 weeks down and 20 to go...and can i tell you i hope and pray that the next 20 are far easier than the last? thankfully, i have been feeling much better these past couple weeks that i've been able to marvel at this miracle of a baby. this little one has been quite the squirmer, and there is really no more magical feeling than knowing there is life inside. and 2. we found out baby is a...
B O Y!!!
we couldn't be happier (or more surprised!) pretty much everyone in our lives thought it was a little girl (except you, dad) so we were quite shocked when we saw the ultrasound! baby boy is healthy and happy and we got to see so much of him, including his little femur bones and spine! the creation of life is such a miracle and i cannot thank God enough for choosing me to mother this sweet boy. and now for the big name reveal...
when we started researching names for little boys, we had no idea where to start. there some names we kind of liked, but nothing really stood out. until we came upon asher. asher is a biblical name meaning "happy" or "happiness". asher was jacob's 8th son who was promised a life blessed with abundance, and this is what we want for our little asher. we hope that not only is he blessed abundantly with all the material things he could ever need, but to be blessed with god's overflowing grace, joy, love and mercy. we pray that our little guy will have a character worthy of his name, and will live his life as a blessing to others and that joy and happiness would radiate from him.
we are seriously so excited for little ash to make his arrival! now most of our days will be done registering and nursery decorating and birth plan researching. and i wouldn't have it any other way!
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