


easter 2016 was one for the books. we went to easter service, out to lunch for some mexican food and just spent the day soaking up all the life and grace God has given us. this year, resurrection sunday was extra special for me because of my baby bear. i can't wait to see him grow in Christ and learn how the Savior of the world loves him.

this little man is my favorite. to see his joy for life is infectious. my mama heart is so full because of him.



today was my favorite. after a pretty sucky night's sleep, we decided to turn this day around since it was so gorgeous outside. we started with lunch at hodad's and y'all, i am so happy i'm not a vegetarian. 

and how cute is my husband? i am madly and wildly in love with him.

this man has my whole heart for my whole life. he has dedicated saturday to be called "dad-turday" so that i can get some extra sleep and relaxation in. he is constantly telling me how beautiful i am, and never hesitates to care for Asher or me in any way he can, even though he works 55+ hour weeks. i am so blessed by the husband and father he is.

then we headed to balboa park to walk around (which was awesome because it was free and perfect weather and ash promptly decided to crash in the wrap). we're thinking of getting annual passes here when ash is older because this beautiful place boasts 14 museums, botanical gardens and the san diego zoo.

san diego sure was showing off for us today. what a wonderful way to celebrate this resurrection weekend.



''In some cultures, the word for “pregnant mother” is the same as the word for “new mother”, which essentially translates as Motherbaby: implying that whatever affects the mother also affects the baby, both before birth and after birth. You can think of the Motherbaby as a newborn entity who requires a great deal of care, nourishment, kindness, and support throughout the slow transition into two separate, distinct beings. She needs to be fed, held, comforted. She needs sleep, support and safety. Most of all, a newborn mother should never be left to cry it out alone. Someone needs to respond to her cries; someone needs to be there to reach out and say “I know… I know… it’s so hard… it feels impossible, and yet I know that you can do it, because you ARE doing it…” -Lauralyn Curtis


the above quote was shared with me when i was so sick during my pregnancy. a sweet mama friend sent it to me, and said that even though i hadn't met asher earthside yet, i was doing everything he needed me to. as these days fly by (my baby will be 16 weeks on saturday), i find myself struggling to be in the now and to let go of what i think a perfect day with asher is. i am constantly timing naps and feedings and how can i help him roll and sit and burp and how many dirty diapers has he had today and what is that on his face and did i seriously go a whole day (and sleep) with poop on my shirt (true story).

i am learning that it is possible to let go of what i think a perfect day is (heck, i am free to let go of what i think a perfect life is!). i can let go of controlling every little thing and accept asher for who he is. it is so difficult for me, an anxious googler and comparison queen, to not constantly want asher to be different. maybe different isn't the right word...i think "textbook" is a better fit. and i don't want that to become a habit or the routine of our lives together.

i have constantly been stressing about asher's sleep. he isn't the greatest napper, doesn't sleep a full 12 hours at night, and still wakes up to eat two times in the night. compared to where he should be by a general standard, he is a poor sleeper. i have needed to remind myself that he will sleep as he is tired, and as long as i keep consistency, that is key for my baby to get the hang of things.

asher is so full of energy and life, and while sometimes he is so independent that he wants to just explore what he can, the snuggles he gives me just melt me. last night, asher woke up from his sleep (not to eat) and just cried. now, i'm not in the camp of letting my child cry himself to sleep from exhaustion, but aaron and i try to implement a modified cry it out training with gentle coaching. ash is typically a good soother and can put himself to sleep 95% of the time, but last night just wasn't one of those nights. i went in and noticed he was sweating from his swaddle, so i unwrapped him and picked him up (so unbabywise) and he just nuzzled into my neck and rested there. oh my heart. if i could bottle up that feeling and use it to perfume my life with, i would.

with regard to why i was created, after worshipping Jesus, i was created to be a wife and mother. everything up to this point in my life has been preparing me to care for another one, so completely dependent on me. aaron and i have been discussing about when we want to grow our family and i seriously keep pushing it further away because i want to soak up all that asher has to offer. i want to hold him and snuggle him. i want him to feel loved and adored, and while i know i could do that with another child, i just want to soak in this time where it's just the three of us.



i wish i could say i wanted a boy all along. if i'm being completely honest, i never thought i would be a boy mom. i'm not really into dinosaurs or race cars. i had always dreamed of pigtails and dresses; of matching outfits and headbands. i thought my life would be all girl, all the time. when i was pregnant with asher, i thought FOR SURE he was a girl. i thought that my dreams of mothering a little girl would come true. i could picture us baking cookies in matching aprons and picking out nail polish together at the salon. then, when we got our 20 week ultrasound, and i heard the words "you're having a boy", something in me shifted. i can't quite explain what i felt. some disappointment? sure. i almost asked the technician how sure she was that our little one was indeed a boy.

as the weeks following the appointment passed and i spent my days sick on the couch only being able to stomach sprite and sourdough toast, my dreams started to shift. i started dreaming of the boy i was carrying, and who God was creating him to be. would he be stubborn like his mama and musical like his daddy? would he be a chef, an artist, a missionary? would his eyes be blue and hair be blonde? would he be a rough and tumble kind of kid or a sensitive brainiac? i started to get really excited about having a son, a little roughneck who would cuddle me before bed, who would love racecars and bugs and building things, who could still join this mama in the kitchen to bake, and who could match daddy instead.

i don't know what God has planned for us in terms of expanding our family, but asher is all i've ever wanted.

asher, thank you for making me a mama. as i think back on the time we've spent together, it seems like you've always been around but that time has just flown. time is a thief, but i am blessed to watch how God is growing you. i will always treasure the way you hold my hand while nursing, how you wrap your arms around my neck when i hold you, and the huge gummy grin you flash me when i get you from your crib. you are the child i've always dreamed of.



Asher is 3 months old today! he is such a sweetheart. he really enjoys playing with his activity center and being outside; he loves the sunny California weather! he is showing signs of teething (cue drool EVERYWHERE) and will let out the cutest laugh when you tickle him. he loves everyone around him and will kick his little legs when he's excited. we can't wait to see what this month brings us! we love you baby bear!
he is showing signs of teething (cue drool EVERYWHERE.
and because i'm super mom (not haha), here is his 2 month post that i forgot to post here.

our baby bear is two months old today! he is becoming much more active and always greets us with a big smile after nap time. he loves to blow spit bubbles, tummy time and when his mama and daddy read him stories. he was champ as we drove through Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California and is loving his new home. he is constantly looking at lights in the ceiling and will have a full on cooing conversation with those he loves. he started sleeping on his own and just rolled from his tummy to his back today! and of course he'll be rooting for the Broncos this Sunday. we love you ash baby!